Sunday, September 14, 2008

Everybody Lies...

"Everybody lies..." said my favorite tv character and I actually agree with him. Lies make things easier for the 'liar'. I mean, it's true, because you don't have to explain yourself if you just lie. Now, if say, your boss asks you, "How are you?", "Okay." would be the right response, you can't suddenly start tearing off your hair and trashing your pc while screaming "I feel like crap!"

One also lies to protect the people they love. It may sound like self-sacrifing and selfless, (but in reality, it's not) works much the same way, but it's really so you won't get a sound beating from your mother when you get home smelling like pot or getting to a fight with your significant other because you went out with your friends and drank yourself to stupor... "What time did you get home from work last night?" "Around 12, our boss is leaving for Paris and we had a despedida party for him last night..."

You lie to protect your ass, it's pretty much the same thing as the examples above.

I just wanted you to see what you usually say to yourself when you 'had' to lie to a loved one. (Ha!) You lie to keep yourself from being awakened to the harsh realities of life. The rosy life is much more suitable for you, why make the castle crumble down? It would be easier to live your life if everything's full of sunshine and flowers, why make it harder for yourself?

You lie just for the heck of it and because you can... But then again why should you believe me?

Everybody lies... Remember? 😈

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