Hello, Stranger

Feeling the warm morning light on his face, he opened his eyes slowly and looked at the clock on his bedside table. 

Thinking it’s too early, he had intentions of just turning to his side and sleeping for several more minutes, when he saw her.

Her face looks familiar but he can’t remember her name. Her long, dark lashes rested on her cheeks like black fans, and her soft red lips we’re curved into a half smile. 

He looked at her for a couple of minutes trying to remember who she was. He knows her from somewhere;

He tried racking his brains to remember where, but couldn’t. 

He knows she likes gummi bears and hates the smell of musty, old books but that’s all he could remember.

He looked at her again and he felt something heavy in his chest, and he couldn’t breathe. 

‘Who are you?’ he longed to ask. I think I know who you are but I can’t seem to remember…

He was still thinking hard and trying to remember who this girl was, when she suddenly opened her eyes, smiled and said, 

“Hello, stranger…”

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